1st Transnational Meeting in CRN Leganés

On 6th April 2022, we celebrated the first transnational meeting of our Remain project at the CRN Leganés facilities, which was attended by all the partners.

It was the first step for the implementation of the project and to establish the basis of our alliance.

At the kick-off meeting, various financial issues were discussed, as well as a Project overview, the future work plan and a recapitulation of the distribution of tasks.

Subsequently, the three Project Results that make up the project were discussed, with the first of these being discussed in greater detail, as it was agreed that it would be ready by the end of 2022.

The results that make up the Remain Project are:

– PROJECT RESULT 1: Development of an Ebook “REMOTE MAINTENANCE Needs analysis for education and training”, consisting of 5 chapters, which will be provided free of charge to authorities and target groups.

– PROJECT RESULT 2: Development of an Interdisciplinary Training Programme, to provide training in the following fields:

1. Secure remote connection (Cyber-security)

2. Remote corrective maintenance

3. Remote monitoring of installation variables and data acquisition

4. Remote software update

– PROJECT RESULT 3: Elaboration of a Technical Guidelines and training guide for teachers.

Finally, our communication strategy, quality plan and the development of the Remain project website were explained.