In order for the set of learning resources developed in the Transnational Training Programme to be properly used and optimised, it needs to be supported by technical guidelines for educators.
This document therefore has a methodological support function and functions as a manual to help educators/teachers to use the training contents and tools developed correctly. It is also intended to serve as a roadmap to facilitate the replication of this initiative by other entities outside the scope of the project after the end of the project, so that all the necessary aspects for the successful delivery of the training are covered.
The guidelines provided are intended to support the effective delivery of the training, facilitate its replication, guide the stages of training and promote knowledge transfer within the project.
The document is divided into two parts:
- Technical Guidelines: Provides detailed information on learning objectives, outcomes, target groups, and the overall training structure for each module.
- Programme: Designed for learners and students, presenting program content and learning outcomes in a user-friendly format.
Overall, the guidelines provide a solid basis for delivering a comprehensive and effective remote maintenance and remote data acquisition training programme.
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Remain is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union..
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