The second transnational meeting of the Remain project was held on 18th October 2022. This time it was held at Campus 02 (Graz, Austria).
We continue to make progress in the project, especially regarding the PR 1: The Ebook REMOTE MAINTENANCE Needs analysis for eductaion and training.
By the end of the year it will be ready in PDF, .epub and .mobi format in the languages of the project partners: English, German, Italian and Spanish, and will be available for authorities and target groups.
We also made progress on PROJECT RESULT 2: REMAIN TRANSNATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMME. For this, MTU shared a template to be filled in by each partner to develop their respective training project. MTU will coordinate a virtual meeting for mid-December in order to discuss aspects related to the connection of the different modules, their duration, …..
The partner FESTO presented the equipment they can offer as well as funding possibilities.
Finally, ENAIP suggested a preliminary timetable to implement PR3 and CRN Leganés concluded with the progress of Communication and Quality.
We keep moving forward